All functions |
Dce to data frame |
graph to adjacency |
Create random DAG (topologically ordered) |
Differential Causal Effects - main function |
Differential Causal Effects for negative binomial data |
Biological pathway information. |
Estimate number of latent confounders Compute the true casual effects of a simulated dag |
Graph to DAG |
Dataframe containing meta-information of pathways in database |
Easy pathway network access |
Compute true positive/... counts |
Graph to data frame |
Graph union |
Partial correlation |
Permutation test for (partial) correlation on non-Gaussian data |
Plot dce object |
Plot network adjacency matrix |
Remove non-gene nodes from pathway and reconnect nodes |
Resample network edge weights |
costum rlm function |
Simulate data |
summary for rlm_dce |
Topological ordering |
Compute the true casual effects of a simulated dag |