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Benchmarking a new estimator

Standard package utilities allow one to estimate mutual information on a given sample and can be convenient for the development of a new mutual information estimator. However, once a new estimator is ready, how can it be benchmarked? Running it manually on many distributions can take a lot of effort.

Conveniently, Snakemake is a workflow orchestrator which can generate benchmark tasks, save samples to the disk, and run many estimators. Once Snakemake has been installed, we recommend running:

$ snakemake -c4 -s workflows/benchmark/demo/run.smk

In about a minute it should generate minibenchmark results in the generated/benchmark/demo directory. Note that the configuration file, workflows/benchmark/demo/, explicitly defines the estimators and tasks used, as well as the number of samples.

Hence, it is possible to benchmark a custom Python estimator by simply importing it and including it in the configuration dictionary. Similarly, it is easy to change the number of samples or used tasks. The file is plain Python!

We defined several benchmark suites with the shared structure.

Adding a new Python estimator

Every added estimator has to implement the IMutualInformationPointEstimator interface.

Let's take a look at the simplest possible estimator (which generally shouldn't be used in practice), which estimates mutual information as \(\hat I(X; Y) = -0.5 \log\left( 1-\mathrm{Corr}(X_1, Y_1)^2 \right)\).

import numpy as np

from bmi.interface import BaseModel, IMutualInformationPointEstimator

class EmptyParams(BaseModel):
    """This estimator has no hyperparameters."""

class TooSimpleEstimator(IMutualInformationPointEstimator):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        """All estimator hyperparameters should be set at this stage.
        This estimator does not have any hyperparameters, though.

    def estimate(self, x, y) -> float:
        """Estimates mutual information.

            x: samples from the X variable, shape (n_points, dim_x)
            y: samples from the Y variable, shape (n_points, dim_y)
        x, y = np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y)
        x1 = x[:, 0]
        y1 = y[:, 0]

        rho = np.corrcoef(x1, y1)[0, 1]
        return -0.5 * np.log(1 - rho**2)

    def parameters(self) -> BaseModel:
        """Returns the hyperparameters of the estimator."""
        return EmptyParams()

If your estimator is a function, you can also wrap it into a class using FunctionalEstimator wrapper.

Once such a class is available, it can be simply included into the configuration dictionary.

Adding a non-Python estimator

How can one use the benchmark to evaluate an estimator implemented in another programming language? The benchmark employs Snakemake workflows in which each estimator has to implement the IMutualInformationPointEstimator interface.

However, it's possible to create a thin wrapper, which whenever called will execute the following steps:

  • Save the samples to a temporary location.
  • Run an external script (e.g., in Julia, R, C++ or any other language) which prints mutual information estimate to the standard output.
  • Convert the standard output to float and return it as the estimate.

The external script can be implemented in any language. Generally it will take three required arguments:

  1. The path to the CSV file with samples.
  2. Number of columns representing the \(X\) variable, dim_x.
  3. Number of columns representing the \(Y\) variable, dim_y.

Additionally, it can take any additional arguments controlling the hyperparameters. Example scripts running several existing estimators implemented in Julia and R are here.

Once a script is ready and can be run manually on CSV samples, it can be wrapped into a Python class implementing the IMutualInformationPointEstimator interface. Routines such as saving the samples to a CSV file or checking the standard output are standard, so we implemented a convenient class, ExternalEstimator.

For example, let's take a look how the wrapper around the KSG estimator in R can be implemented.

from pathlib import Path

from bmi.estimators.external.external_estimator import ExternalEstimator
from bmi.interface import BaseModel, Pathlike

R_PATH = "path_to_the_R_script"

class KSGParams(BaseModel):
    """The hyperparameters of a given estimator.

        neighbors (int): Number of neighbors to be used in the KSG algorithm
    neighbors: int

class RKSGEstimator(ExternalEstimator):
    """The KSG estimators implemented in the `rmi` package in R."""

    def __init__(self, neighbors: int = 10) -> None:
            neighbors: number of neighbors (k) to be used
        self._params = KSGParams(

    def parameters(self) -> KSGParams:
        """Returns the hyperparameters of the estimator."""
        return self._params

    def _build_command(self, path: Pathlike, dim_x: int, dim_y: int) -> list[str]:
        sample_path_abs = str(Path(path).absolute())
        return [

estimator = RKSGEstimator(neighbors=5)
# This is an ordinary estimator now and can be run with `estimator.estimate(X, Y)`

More Python wrappers around external scripts are implemented here.


How to add an estimator implemented in another programming language?

It's possible to quickly implement a thin Python wrapper around an estimator implemented in another language. See this section for details.