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Prepare deconvoluted data with LolliPop for Covvfit

Here we explain how to prepare input for Covvfit using the LolliPop tool.

We need to deconvolute wastewater data with LolliPop, but we need to do it without smoothing (or with minimal smoothing) to avoid introducing bias by kernel smoothing procedures.

Install LolliPop

Follow installation instructions described here. They consist of the following:

Create environment:

conda create -n lollipop 
conda activate lollipop

Clone repository:

git clone
cd LolliPop

Install dependencies:

pip install '.[cli]'

Get and prepare data

Make a directory for deconvolution results:

mkdir lollipop_covvfit
cd lollipop_covvfit

Obtain mutation data, for example from Euler:

rsync -avz --progress euler:/cluster/project/pangolin/work-vp-test/variants/tallymut.tsv.zst .
zstd -d tallymut.tsv.zst 

Obtain the latest configuration files from euler:

rsync -avz --progress euler:/cluster/project/pangolin/work-vp-test/var_dates.yaml .
rsync -avz --progress euler:/cluster/project/pangolin/work-vp-test/variant_config.yaml .
rsync -avz --progress euler:/cluster/project/pangolin/work-vp-test/ww_locations.tsv .
rsync -avz --progress euler:/cluster/project/pangolin/work-vp-test/filters_badmut.yaml .

Prepare parameters for the deconvolution:

cat << EOF > deconv_config.yaml
bootstrap: 0

  bandwidth: 0.1

regressor: robust
  f_scale: 0.01

  min_tol: 1e-3

Run LolliPop

To deconvolve the data, run:

cd ..
lollipop deconvolute $ldata/tallymut.tsv \
    -o $ldata/deconvolved.csv \
    --variants-config $ldata/variant_config.yaml \
    --variants-dates $ldata/var_dates.yaml \
    --deconv-config $ldata/deconv_config.yaml \
    --filters $ldata/filters_badmut.yaml  \
    --seed=42 \

Run CovvFit

You are ready to use Covvfit and can proceed to the tutorial here.