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Tree Similarities

In this tutorial we generate a bunch of trees and compute their pairwise similarities and viszalize them.

The visualizations are built with networkX and matplotlib. Quite some specification was done to make the visualizations look nice.

Setting up the envrionment:

## imports
import pyggdrasil as yg
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# matplotlib inline
%matplotlib inline 

Generate trees

Random Tree

tree_type = yg.tree_inference.TreeType.RANDOM
tree_seed = 487
nodes = 10
random_tree = yg.tree_inference.make_tree(nodes, tree_type, tree_seed)
├── 6
│   ├── 0
│   └── 3
└── 8
    ├── 4
    │   └── 1
    ├── 5
    └── 7
        └── 2

Now let’s visualize this properly.

save_dir = Path("tree_sim_figs")
save_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
save_name = "random_tree"
yg.visualize.plot_tree_no_print(random_tree, save_name, save_dir)

Random Tree

Star Tree

tree_type = yg.tree_inference.TreeType.STAR
tree_seed = 487
nodes = 10
star_tree = yg.tree_inference.make_tree(nodes, tree_type, tree_seed)

Now let’s visualize this properly.

save_name = "star_tree"
yg.visualize.plot_tree_no_print(star_tree, save_name, save_dir)

Star Tree

Deep Tree

tree_type = yg.tree_inference.TreeType.DEEP
tree_seed = 487
nodes = 10
deep_tree = yg.tree_inference.make_tree(nodes, tree_type, tree_seed)

Now let’s visualize this properly.

save_name = "deep_tree"
yg.visualize.plot_tree_no_print(deep_tree, save_name, save_dir)

Deep Tree

Note: PYggdrasil inplements two more advanced tree generation methods.

  1. MCMC tree generation - takes a tree and evolves it by a fixed number of random moves implemnted with SCITE.
  2. HUNTRESS inference - takes a cell-mutation profile and infers a tree with HUNTRESS.

Compute Similarities

What similarities to care for? We can compute the following similarities:

  • Ancestor-Descendant (AD) Similarity
  • Different-Lineage (DL) Similarity
# random tree to star tree
AD_star = yg.distances.AncestorDescendantSimilarity().calculate(random_tree, star_tree)
DL_star = yg.distances.DifferentLineageSimilarity().calculate(random_tree, star_tree)

print(f"AD Similarity: {AD_star}")
print(f"DL Similarity: {DL_star}")
AD Similarity: 0.0
DL Similarity: 1.0
  • AD : 0.0 makes sense, since the star tree has no internal nodes, so no nodes are ancestors of other nodes. (AD does not consider the root node)
  • DL : 1.0 makes sense, since the star tree has no internal nodes, so all nodes are in different lineages.
# random tree to deep tree
AD_deep = yg.distances.AncestorDescendantSimilarity().calculate(random_tree, deep_tree)
DL_deep = yg.distances.DifferentLineageSimilarity().calculate(random_tree, deep_tree)

print(f"AD Similarity: {AD_deep}")
print(f"DL Similarity: {DL_deep}")
AD Similarity: 0.11111111111111116
DL Similarity: 0.0
  • AD: some chronological order is preserved, but not all.
  • DL: 0.0 makes sense, as all nodes are in the same lineage.

Let’s have another random tree for fun:

tree_type = yg.tree_inference.TreeType.RANDOM
tree_seed = 4897
nodes = 10
random_tree2 = yg.tree_inference.make_tree(nodes, tree_type, tree_seed)
save_name = "random_tree2"
yg.visualize.plot_tree_no_print(random_tree, save_name, save_dir)

Random Tree2

# random tree to another random tree
AD_random = yg.distances.AncestorDescendantSimilarity().calculate(random_tree, random_tree2)
DL_random = yg.distances.DifferentLineageSimilarity().calculate(random_tree, random_tree2)

print(f"AD Similarity: {AD_random}")
print(f"DL Similarity: {DL_random}")
AD Similarity: 0.0
DL Similarity: 0.8148148148148148

We see a more balanced mix of AD and DL similarities. Here by chance a AD of 0 again. Well, these are small trees.