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Thank you for your time to contribute to this project! Below we present some guidelines.

Reporting a bug

If you find a bug, please submit a new issue.

To be able to reproduce a bug, we will usually need the following information:

  • Versions of Python packages used (in particular version of this library).
  • A minimal code snippet allowing us to reproduce the bug.
  • What is the desired behaviour in the reported case?
  • What is the actual behaviour?

Submitting a pull request


  • Do use Google Style Guide. We use black for code formatting.
  • Do write unit tests. We use pytest.
  • Do write docstrings. We use Material for Mkdocs to generate the documentation.
  • Do write high-level documentation as examples and tutorials, illustrating introduced features.
  • Do consider submitting a draft pull request with a description of proposed changes.
  • Do check the Development section.


  • Don't include license information. This project is MIT licensed and by submitting your pull request you implicitly and irrevocably agree to use this.
  • Don't implement too many ideas in a single pull request. Multiple features should be implemented in separate pull requests.



We use Feature Branch Workflow, in which modifications of the code should happen via small pull requests.

We recommend submitting small pull requests and starting with drafts outlining proposed changes.

Installation & dependencies

To install the repository together with the dependencies run:

$ git clone  # Clone the repository
$ poetry install --with dev                         # Install the dependencies
$ poetry run pre-commit install                     # Install pre-commit hooks
$ poetry run pytest                                 # Check if unit tests are passing

Testing & Checking

Then, you will be able to run tests:

$ poetry run pytest
... or check the types:
$ poetry run pyright

Existing code quality checks

The code quality checks run during on GitHub can be seen in .github/workflows/test.yml.

We are using: - Ruff to lint the code. - Black to format the code. - Pyright to check the types. - Pytest to run the unit tests. - Interrogate to check the documentation.

Alternatively, you may prefer to work with the right Python environment using:

$ poetry shell
$ pytest

Building documentation locally

You can build the documentation on your machine using:

$ poetry run mkdocs serve
and opening the generated link using web browser.

Code organisation

  • The package code is in src/pyggdrasil/ and is partitioned into subpackages.
  • The unit tests are in tests/ and the structure of this directory should reflect the one of the package.
  • Experimental workflows are in workflows/, with a description of how to set up the environment in workflows/